


The school recognizes that the existing rote learning and chalk and talk methodology needs urgent upgradation in the present day scenario. Hence the school focuses on the concept of experiential learning that engages students in critical thinking, problem solving and decision making in contexts that are personally relevant to them. It inculcates all of these through an interdisciplinary program that is hands on and application skills oriented. This approach to learning involves action, reflection, conceptualisation and reapplication.

The school is equipped with modern experiential learning labs and children are exposed to a truly engaging and interesting program through hands on projects which are a blend of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Digital Media. Imbibing Life and Leadership skills is an integral part of the school program.


The Educomp Program at HCS is an experiential learning system which provides our children with a set of literacies and competencies for success in the 21st Century. Its designed to be an experiential program that drives children to apply what they learn in school and find facts rather than memorize them, by working with diverse tools ranging from Engineering, Robotics, ICT and Digital Media.

At the heart of Educomp its the belief that learning is a cycle based on experience, analysis, reflection and connecting to real world situations. Educomp helps build skills needed for success and the attributes required to apply those skills to their best effect. It raises student performance and improves teaching inside classrooms.

